Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Saturday's blog... awesome day!

Went into the 'box' early to meet Daniel to do a WoD... Wasn't sure what it was yet, he said the luck of the roll... That's exactly what it was. He wrote down ten WoD names(actually there was 2-9, we could make up 1 or 10 if we rolled that)... by that time Jason showed up so he was in on the roll... He rolled a number, I rolled a number and then we fliped a coin to see which one we were going to do... Well... Grace won, 30 snatches or however you can get the weight from the ground to above your head... I did powerclean to split jerk, Daniel did powerclean to push press and Jason the beast, did snatches the whole way through... I think we all did a phenominal job... I really enjoyed that workout and would like to get better and be able to snatch 85#'s or more 30 times... Well, so then, I did the WoD, which was 21 kb snatches right arm, 21 L pull ups, 21 snatches left arm, 21 L pull ups, 3 rounds... that was insane! Daniel capped the workout to 20 minutes... Daniel and I also did a ton of ab work, which was awesome!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Love, hate...

What a way to start the day... My phone rang at 5:26am several times in a row... It was Daniel calling to tell me that he over slept... Well, turns out, I had over slept too! My alarm didn't go off... I think I set it for pm instead of am... I had to rush to get ready cause I had to be at the 'Box' by 6am to teach Group & WoD... Thank goodness Jackie and Daniel were both there to open the door... So, I'm still not feeling great today... I feel lop sided cause I can't hear out of my left ear and my head is starting to get really congested & runny, it can't decide what to do... Who knows what's going on... could be allergies, could be a cold, don't really know... I was supposed to go to the student health center at Texas State but they don't have any appointments today until 4:15 which is too late for me unfortunately... oh well, the suffering continues... I can hang, I'm a big girl! Anyway, did a crazy workout even though I'm not feeling well...

'Filthy Fifty'
50 Box Jumps
50 Jumping Pull Ups
50 KB Swings (16kg)
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press (25# bar)
50 GHD Back Extensions
50 Wall Balls (14# ball)
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders ( I did 150 single jumps )

My time was horible: 39:32

I worked out with my ladies only class and was instructing as I was working out... So, I didn't get to go all out with my workout... It's cool, I'll do it again and do better... ; )

Food so far has been:

1 Plum
1 Builder Bar (even though I shouldn't eat these, it was quick and easy)


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Awesome day! Awesome workout... ; )

Woke up this morning feeling pretty good & energized... ran a 5K pretty fast, didn't really keep time, although I need to start... Had a great day at school & then came to work, worked out with Ryan, thanks Ryan! It was awesome, he helped me push myself through the workout...

We did the CrossFit HQ WoD, which was:

50 Ring Dips
400m Run
50 Push Ups
400m Run
50 HS Push Ups
400m Run

Time: 19:07

I threw in a couple of Bear Complex @ 65#... I love that movement!

Food intake today was pretty good...

Breakfast: Protein Shake

2/3 c Aloe Vera Juice
1 scoop protein powder
1/2 c peaches
1/2 c pineapples
1 c strawberries
1 c ice
3/4 tsp olive oil

3 slices canadian bacon
1 plum

Lunch: Salad & cup of tomato basil soup

Jason's Deli

Salad w/ olives, tomatoes, red & yellow peppers, artichokes, mushrooms, feta, 3 eggs, jalapenos, olive oil & balsamic vinegar...

It was so good! I'm sure I went over on something but I figured veggie carbs are better than fruit anyway, oh well ; )

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Getting back to it...

Got pretty good sleep last night, so I feel pretty good today... got up, came & taught the group & WoD classes... then, did my workout which was pretty good... I wasn't really feeling it at first but then started a good rhythm & got in the zone!

I did:


Pull Ups
Tire Flips
Row ( Calories )
KB Snatches
Push Ups

Time: 23:02

I don't know if my time was good or not cause I don't have anything to compare it to... I'll try it again in a week or so and see how I do then... I will probably come in tonight and do some other workout...

My food so far this morning is nothing... I wasn't thinking and didn't bring anything with me... Going home now to have a protein shake, yummy!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A little sore today....

I had a big test today... so my mind was a little preoccupied & not focused on my workout or my food...

I ran a 5K this morning in the drizzle with my awesome running partner Megan ; ) We were gonna run 5 miles but cut it short cause I needed to get to school to finish up studying for my History test that I was totally stressing over!!! Turns out studying really works, haha ; ) ... got my test, looked it over & started knocking out the questions without doubt... that was the best I've felt about a test in a long time!

My CrossFit workout today was:

3 Rounds:

10 Burpee/Medball Slams
20 KB Swings (each arm)
30 Back Extensions

Time was 12:30, not good at all but like I said I wasn't really focused today... I'll try that one again next week and see if I improve.

My diet today totally blows, so I'm not gonna even talk about it... I definitely need to get my diet back on track though especially with all of these CrossFit competitions coming up...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Starting Strength

It all starts today...

Starting Strength:

Back Squat 5 warm up sets & 3 work sets 45/65/95/115/135 & 160/160/160
Shoulder Press 5 warm up sets & 3 work sets 45/50/55/60/65 & 70/65/65
Power Cleans 2 warm up sets deadlifts, 3 warm up sets power cleans & 5 work sets 65/65/65/70/70 & 75/75/75/75/75

Post workout Breakfast:

Protein shake:

1 scoop protein powder
1/2 cup pineapple
1/2 cup peaches
1 cup strawberries
1/2 aloe vera juice
3/4 tsp olive oil

3 slices canadian bacon
1 plum

3 blocks fat/3 blocks protein/3 blocks carbs