Friday, March 20, 2009

Gotta love Fridays!

Had a great workout this morning...


KB Swings 16 kg
Push Press 65#
Box Jumps
Pull Ups

Time 13:13

Felt pretty good, couldn't worked out more but am trying to cut back and rest more so I can improve my performance and times!

Breakfast: Protein Shake

Monday, March 16, 2009

Kind of a crazy Monday...

Woke up waaaaay late... alarm didn't go off... didn't get up till 7:30am, which never happens to me during the week... totally threw my morning off! Went in to teach my ladies class, which was a good class... they were working hard! Didn't really get a whole lot accomplished today unfortunately... Going to go workout right now, hopefully I'll feel better after that ; )

Friday, March 13, 2009

WTF Friday...

Woke up to find that my truck had been wrecked! Needless to say, I wasn't pleased... didn't get to go run cause it was raining outside... went to the box, worked out and it was brutal!!!

Push Press 35#
Box Jumps
KB Swings 16kg
Time: 27:12
Breakfast: Protein Shake from Smoothie Factory ( was so good!)
Lunch: BBQ Turkey, green beans, salad from Bill Miller
Snack: Lactose Free Mootopia Chocolate Milk (yummy!, highly recommend!)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lazy, rainy, cold Thursday...

It was pouring rain this morning, so didn't run ; ( I will make up for it tomorrow! I haven't worked out yet today... I'm going to redo my workout from the Fitness Challenge on Saturday at Crossfit Central... Alej is going to time me, so we shall see...

So... I did it and the outcome is 7:07... the workout was:
4 Rounds
10 Deadlifts 115#
10 Push Ups
30 Jumping Pull Ups

So, my previous time was 5:12 on Saturday but that was with 15 Jumping Pull Ups... I feel better that I got to see what I would have actually scored +/-... ; )

I was so tired!!! I could tell that I hadn't drank enough water or had eaten right today... It just goes to show that all of it is connected in your performance!

So then I worked out again with the group:

4 Rounds:
10 KB Clean & Press 12kg
15 KB Burpees & Press (pushups on 12kg & pressed with 9kg)
20 KB Swings 12 kg
15 KB Push Ups
10 KB Sit Ups 9kg

Time: 31:48

Breakfast: Protein Shake
Snack: Plum
Lunch: Protein Bar
Snack: Protein Bar

What a Wednesday...

Almost overslept teaching class this morning... fortunately I was here on time and taught a great class! Worked out after I taught ladies class. I did:
10,9,8,7,6,....1 Done!
Jump Rope Jumps
Push Ups
Wall Balls 14# Ball
GHD Sit Ups
Time: 18:12
Then: 50 Medball Sit Ups & 50 Russian Twists

Breakfast: Protein Shake
Lunch: Protein Shake
Snack: Protein Bar
Dinner: Cabo Bobs (chicken salad)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What a lovely Tuesday... ; )

I was up and at'em bright and early this morning.... ok, well maybe not so bright because it was still dark ; )... but never the less I was up early and went for a 4 mile run with my awesome running buddy Megan ; ) It was a pretty good run. I felt kind of tired but overall it was good. Then I went to the box for the fitness challenge class. The workout was:
5 Rounds for time:
5 Pull Ups ( I used yellow band for kipping)
10 Burpees
Run 400m
Time was: 18:08
It was a tough one but a good one! Thanks Ryan!
Came in at 5pm and met Daniel and we did 150 Wall Balls (14#) for time which was 9:56. Then did the WoD:
CrossFit Total: Back Squat 1-1-1, Shoulder Press 1-1-1, Deadlift 1-1-1
Squat 135-155-185
Press 45-65-75
Deadlift 135-155-195
Breakfast: 1oz Protein powder
1/2 c pineapple, 1/2 c peaches, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 banana, 2 cups ice &
3/4 tsp olive oil
Lunch: Protein Bar
Snack: Pear
Dinner: Magnolia Cafe Migas ( not zoned ; ( )
I did not eat well today at all... tomorrow is another day!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Awww... it's the Monday after the challenge...

Well, I did it... the CrossFit Central Fittest Games Challenge on Saturday. There were 2 workouts:
Workout #1
4 rounds
10 115# Deadlift
10 Push Ups
15 Kipping Pull Ups ( I scaled and did jumping pull ups)
Workout #2
5 rounds
7 75# Push Press/Push Jerks
400 m Run
I ended up having my time disqualified... When I was doing the pull ups my counters kept telling me that I should only be doing 15 jumping pull ups when I should have actually been doing 30, which I knew and was trying to do but they kept saying no, only do 15. So, I went ahead and did both workouts and then afterward when they were tallying scores, I told Jeremy Thiel what had happened and he just disqualified my time but I get to move to the championships on April 4th. I was a little upset about it. He apologized and said it was their fault. I'm lo0king forward to the next competetion and will start training with the elite weight for women and work on my kipping pull up. I will master it one of these days...
Sunday, I decided to take an easy... I didn't run, I just went to the box and worked out with Conor and then practiced a little Jiu Jitsu... ; )

Friday, March 6, 2009


Probably should rest today... I just couldn't though... got up ran 5k then went to the 'box'. The workout was 'Jackie' today:
1000m Row
45# Thrusters (50 reps)
30 Pull Ups
Scaled at:
1000m Row, 25# Thrusters, Green band pull ups
I wanted to take an easy today since I'm doing that challenge tomorrow...
So far to eat:
Breakfast: Protein shake w/ protein, peaches, strawberries & pineapple
Slice of turkey w/ avocado rolled in it, yummy!

Thursday... more or less a rest day...

The day started out great... got up and ran 4 miles. It was a great run, once again, I felt like I could have run another 2 with no problem! Went to school, had a great day at school... Went to the 'box', didn't really get to workout like I had entended... just rowed 1000m & push pressed 75# overhead a couple times to see how I would do... that is part of one of the workouts that I'll be doing Saturday at CrossFit Central... I think I'm thinking to much about this damn challenge... I just need to relax and have fun with it... It's all in good fun! I did get to go do MMA tonight... I decided not to spar at the end, I'm just not up for it yet... Oh well, in time...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wednesday and what have you....

Man, I was tired today... I thought about not working out, but couldn't do it after all... I ended up doing the group class at 5:45. Workout was:
20 Thrusters (45# bar)
15 Knees to elbows
10 Burpees
5 Kettle Bell Swings (30#)
I forgot to write my time down, I should be able to get it tonight if it hadn't been erased. Then went and did a level 2/3 Krav class... it was good! I partnered with Kelli, it felt good to get back to Krav... it's been a while ; )

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Started the fitness challenge yesterday... 60 days... no excuses!

I started the 60 day fitness challenge yesterday... my benchmark workout went well... it was:

500m Row
40 Air Squats
30 Sit Ups
20 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups (yellow band, kipping)
Time: 5:03
I am very pleased with this time and aim to do it sub 5:00min in 30 days... I should be able to as long as I keep up with everything...
This morning for breakfast: 3 blocks
Peach, pineapple & strawberry protein shake... with 1 oz turkey w/ 3 tbl avocado... yummy!
I started off the day with an awesome 4 mile run... felt like I could have gone another 2 miles if time would have permitted. Went to the box and did the 60 challenge workout at 5:45 which was: Tabata Something Else
8 rounds of 20 seconds work and 10 seconds rest of
Pull Ups
Push Ups
Sit ups
I didn't count my reps per each set, should have but I didn't, oh well...
then went to the studio and did yoga, which was so nice... After that, I sat and watched the MMA class and took some pictures of Parker and Matt training... then, once they started working on the ground work I started in and worked with Austin on some Jiu Jitsu... it was awesome! I love Jiu Jitsu and hope get back into practice with it...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Getting back to it...

I kind of fell off the wagon as far as workouts and eating goes this last week... I haven't blogged or kept up with really anything for that matter... I've let things fall through the cracks, I guess just trying to balance everything... I had done a benchmark workout on Saturday to start the 60 day fitness challenge, but I'm not happy with it... I'm going to start again today because there are some who are starting today too... so, I'm going to join them on this venture. I will do the workout, get my body fat % read and will start tonight on my workouts & my diet... I will blog my results and start from there tomorrow...