Workout #1
4 rounds
10 115# Deadlift
10 Push Ups
15 Kipping Pull Ups ( I scaled and did jumping pull ups)
Workout #2
5 rounds
7 75# Push Press/Push Jerks
400 m Run
I ended up having my time disqualified... When I was doing the pull ups my counters kept telling me that I should only be doing 15 jumping pull ups when I should have actually been doing 30, which I knew and was trying to do but they kept saying no, only do 15. So, I went ahead and did both workouts and then afterward when they were tallying scores, I told Jeremy Thiel what had happened and he just disqualified my time but I get to move to the championships on April 4th. I was a little upset about it. He apologized and said it was their fault. I'm lo0king forward to the next competetion and will start training with the elite weight for women and work on my kipping pull up. I will master it one of these days...
Sunday, I decided to take an easy... I didn't run, I just went to the box and worked out with Conor and then practiced a little Jiu Jitsu... ; )
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